# ProductCard

Card with resumed product information including picture(s), title, prices, discount percentage, buy button and space for rating stars. Should be used on shelves and grids, links to the product details page.

import ProductCard from '@ecomplus/storefront-components/src/ProductCard.vue'

# Features

# Examples

# Basic (minor required) example

<product-card :product-id="productId"/>

# With previously loaded item data


# All props/events

  buy-text="Buy now!"
  @buy="({ product }) => addToCart(product)"

# Props

# product

The product (item) data following E-Com Plus Product Model (opens new window).

May be used with .sync modifier.

product: Object,

# product-id

Product object ID (_id) to use only if product is not set, in this case product will be fetched by ID.

productId: String,

# is-small

Changes component style. Reduces the vertical size in a way that renders the component using less space. Ideal to use on a pop up screen for example.

isSmall: {
  type: Bollean,
  default: false

# heading-tag

Heading tag for product name.

headingTag: {
  type: String,
  default: 'h3'

# buy-text

Text to use on the purchase button. It defaults to the word "Buy" respecting store default language, can be changed to "Add to shopping cart" for example.

buyText: String,

# can-add-to-cart

Allows the product to be added to the cart. If false, will be necessary to manually handle the @buy event.

canAddToCart: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: true

# is-loaded

Wheter the product data is loaded up to date from APIs. If true, it'll prevent default fetch to GET product data.

May be used with .sync modifier.

isLoaded: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: false

# Events

# buy

Emitted when buy button is clicked.

this.$emit('buy', { product })

# update:product

Emitted once item data is fetched from API.

Triggers .sync modifier for product.

this.$emit('update:product', data)

# update:is-loaded

Emitted once item data is fetched from API.

Triggers .sync modifier for is-loaded.

this.$emit('update:is-loaded', true)

# Slots

# default

Shown while product data is being fetched (hydrated), usually can contain the pre-rendered element or a loading spinner.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <div class="spinner-border" role="status">
    <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>

# buy

Place to customize buy button.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <template #buy>
      <img src="my-custom-buy-button-image.png"/>

# buy-button-content

Place to use default buy button but customize inner content.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <template #buy-button-content>
    <img src="my-custom-buy-button-image.png"/>

# title

Place to overwrite default heading tag with product name.

  <template #title>
    <h3 class="product-card__name">
      {{ product.name }}

# discount-tag

Place to customize discount badge when product has offer price.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <template #discount-tag="{ discount }">
      v-if="discount > 0"
      class="badge badge-success"
      -<b>{{ discount }}</b>%

# rating

Place to insert the product average rating. Usually it should be done through an external widget.

  <template #rating>
    <span>{{ avarageRating }}/5</span>

# prices

Place to overwrite default APrices component.

  <template #prices>
    <span class="product-card__custom-price">
      {{ formatMoney(product.price) }}

# unavailable

Place to customize badge shown if the product is marked unavailable for purchase.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <template #unavailable>
    <span class="badge badge-warning">
      Product unavailable :/

# out-of-stock

Place to customize badge shown if the product stock quantity is zero or less than minimum.

<product-card :product-id="productId">
  <template #out-of-stock>
    <span class="badge badge-dark">
      Product out of stock :(

# body

Place to overwrite top part (almost entire) of card with product pictures and title.

Place to add content on product card top, wrapped by link.

Place to add custom content on card bottom.