import _config from './../lib/config'
import price from './price'
* @method
* @memberof ecomUtils
* @name formatMoney
* @description Parse price number to formatted currency string.
* @param {number|object} value - Price number or body object (product or variation)
* @param {string|null} [currency=$ecomConfig.get('currency')] - Currency code such as 'BRL'
* @param {string} [lang=$ecomConfig.get('lang')] - Snake case language code, eg.: 'en_us', 'pt_br'
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // With number as value
* ecomUtils.formatMoney(10.6)
* // => $10.60
* ecomUtils.formatMoney(10.6, 'BRL')
* // => R$10.60
* ecomUtils.formatMoney(10.6, 'BRL', 'pt_br')
* // => R$ 10,60
* @example
* // With product, variation or cart item object as value
* // Full object ref.:
* ecomUtils.formatMoney({ sku: 'TEST', name: 'Test', price: 140.56 })
* // => $140.56
* @example
* // You can also set the configured lang and currency first
* $ecomConfig.set('lang', 'pt_br')
* $ecomConfig.set('currency', 'BRL')
* $ecomConfig.set('currency_symbol', 'R$')
* // Then call `formatMoney` without expliciting currency and lang
* ecomUtils.formatMoney(10.6)
* // => R$ 10,60
const formatMoney = (value, currency = _config.get('currency'), lang = _config.get('lang')) => {
// price to number
if (typeof value === 'object') {
if (value !== null) {
// suppose to be product object
value = price(value)
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = parseFloat(value)
if (currency) {
try {
// format price string
// lang code format: pt-br, en-us...
return value.toLocaleString(lang.replace('_', '-'), { style: 'currency', currency })
} catch (err) {
// fallback using configured currency symbol
const moneyPrefix = (currency || _config.get('currency_symbol')) + ' '
return typeof value === 'number' ? moneyPrefix + value : ''
export default formatMoney