import { $ecomConfig } from '@ecomplus/utils'
import * as EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3'
import loadStoredSession from './methods/load-stored-session'
import setSession from './methods/set-session'
import setCustomer from './methods/set-customer'
import getCustomerName from './methods/get-customer-name'
import getCustomer from './methods/get-customer'
import fetchOauthProfile from './methods/fetch-oauth-profile'
import fetchOauthProviders from './methods/fetch-oauth-providers'
import fetchLogin from './methods/fetch-login'
import fetchOrdersList from './methods/fetch-orders-list'
import fetchOrder from './methods/fetch-order'
import checkLogin from './methods/check-login'
import checkAuthorization from './methods/check-authorization'
import checkVerification from './methods/check-verification'
import logout from './methods/logout'
import popupOauthLink from './methods/popup-oauth-link'
import popupLogin from './methods/popup-login'
import sendEmailCode from './methods/send-email-code'
import requestApi from './methods/request-api'
* Construct a new customer account instance object.
* @constructor
* @param {number} [storeId=$ecomConfig.get('store_id')] - Preset Store ID number
* @param {string} [lang=$ecomConfig.get('lang')] - Snake case language code
* @param {string|null} [storageKey] - Item key to persist account data
* @param {object} [localStorage=window.localStorage] -
* [Local Storage interface]{@link}
* @param {object} [document=window.document] - Object reference to
* [document]{@link}
* @example
// Default instance
const ecomPassport = new EcomPassport()
* @example
// Optionally defining Store ID, lang and custom storage key
const storeId = 2000
const lang = 'en_us'
const storageKey = 'myPassportKey'
const customEcomPassport = new EcomPassport(storeId, lang, storageKey)
const EcomPassport = function (
storageKey = 'ecomPassportClient',
localStorage = typeof window === 'object' && window.localStorage,
document = typeof window === 'object' && window.document
) {
const ecomPassport = this
* Construct a new account instance object.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {function}
* @see EcomPassport
ecomPassport.Constructor = EcomPassport
* Respective Store ID number.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {number}
ecomPassport.storeId = storeId || $ecomConfig.get('store_id')
* Instance language code.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {string}
ecomPassport.lang = lang || $ecomConfig.get('lang')
* Item key to persist JSON {@link EcomPassport#customer}
* with [localStorage]{@link EcomPassport#localStorage}
* and cookie name to persist {@link EcomPassport#session}.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {string|null}
ecomPassport.storageKey = storageKey
* [Storage interface]{@link}.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {object}
ecomPassport.localStorage = localStorage
* [Window document]{@link}.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {object}
ecomPassport.document = document
* Customer account data following
* {@link E-Com Plus customer object model}.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {object}
ecomPassport.customer = {}
* Passport authentication session object.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {object}
ecomPassport.session = {}
* Passport random 32 chars session ID.
* @memberof EcomPassport
* @type {object}
ecomPassport.sessionId = ''
const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
ecomPassport.sessionId += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length))
const emitter = new EventEmitter()
;['on', 'off', 'once'].forEach(method => {
ecomPassport[method] = (ev, fn) => {
emitter[method](ev, fn)
const methodsMiddleware = (method, args = [], emitChange) => {
const result = method(ecomPassport, emitter, args)
if (result && emitChange) {
const { customer } = ecomPassport
* @event EcomPassport#change
* @type {object}
* @property {object} customer - Customer account data
* @example ecomCart.on('change', ({ customer }) => { console.log(customer._id) })
emitter.emit('change', { customer })
return result
this.loadStoredSession = () => methodsMiddleware(loadStoredSession, [], true)
this.logout = canSave => methodsMiddleware(logout, [canSave], true)
this.setSession = (session, canSave) => methodsMiddleware(setSession, [session, canSave], true)
this.setCustomer = (customer, canSave) => methodsMiddleware(setCustomer, [customer, canSave], true)
this.getCustomerName = () => methodsMiddleware(getCustomerName)
this.getCustomer = () => methodsMiddleware(getCustomer)
this.checkLogin = () => methodsMiddleware(checkLogin)
this.checkAuthorization = () => methodsMiddleware(checkAuthorization)
this.checkVerification = () => methodsMiddleware(checkVerification)
this.fetchLogin = (email, docNumber, emailCode) => methodsMiddleware(fetchLogin, [email, docNumber, emailCode])
this.fetchOauthProfile = () => methodsMiddleware(fetchOauthProfile)
this.fetchOauthProviders = () => methodsMiddleware(fetchOauthProviders)
this.fetchOrdersList = (from, size) => methodsMiddleware(fetchOrdersList, [from, size])
this.fetchOrder = orderId => methodsMiddleware(fetchOrder, [orderId])
this.requestApi = (url, method, data) => methodsMiddleware(requestApi, [url, method, data])
this.popupOauthLink = url => methodsMiddleware(popupOauthLink, [url])
this.popupLogin = (enableSkip, baseUri) => methodsMiddleware(popupLogin, [enableSkip, baseUri])
this.sendEmailCode = email => methodsMiddleware(sendEmailCode, [email])
export default EcomPassport